
Weekly Reads

What Day is it Again Edition

Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.

W. C. Fields

Howdy Readers! One would think that establishing a daily themed posting schedule would help with avoiding embarrassing posting gaps. But that was before Covid -19 destroyed our ability to perceive spacetime in the right order. Can you prove I didn’t post this yesterday? What day do you think it is?

First the Big Papers and Websites…

Louis Doench

Lou Doench is a 52 year old father of three. Twelve years ago he married the coolest woman in the world and gave up the lucrative career of being a photography student to become a stay at home husband and Dad, or SAHD. An atheist geek, or a geeky atheist if you prefer, Lou likes reading, photography, video gaming, disc golf, baseball and Dr. Who. He has been playing Dungeons and Dragons since 1976. Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is also an excellent home cook, not that his children would know because they only eat Mac & Cheese. Follow Lou on Twitter @blotzphoto or check out his photography at

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